× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

>Oh well, I guess it's always
>midday, somewhere in the world.
>Rob Berendt

You are entering a new dimension... a dimension where the only time that has
meaning is "Now"... where services are expected on demand, time on target,
and the users are unforgiving... you are entering... THE INTERNET ZONE!

Almost gone are the store fronts of yesterday. Forever deprecated are those
little signs on a string that say "Open" on one side and "Closed" on the
other because the only acceptable state is "Open" and being closed once
equates to being closed forever in the minds of consumers worldwide.

While this all sounds a little dramatic, it is closer to the truth than many
people realize. Our entire society is morphing from material driven to time
driven.  People bargain for more time off in lieu of higher salaries and
fewer people are working overtime. We take vacation instead of selling back
to the company. We shop online instead of going to the mall because it is
quicker and can be done in the middle of the night in our underwear. We have
more than one VCR so that we can record at any time and watch later at our
convenience.  We wait for the video instead of going to the theater for the
same reasons. We tele-commute to save time on our commute. We go to super
Wal-Mart to avoid going to multiple stores.

We live in a time machine society, constantly putting off now until its more
convenient. The lesson here for business is just what Rob said... it's
always midday somewhere... i.e. You never know when someone will access your
website. It always amazes my boss to see the traffic we have between 10pm
and 4am.

Sorry for the ramble, just one of my favorite subjects.


Joel Cochran

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