× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I am reading thru all the discussion abt date handling for quite some time.
I have some points to say. I agree with Bob's idea. On screens allow the
users to type 8 digit date or 6 digit date. If the user type in 6 digit
date, then add the default century and redisplay the 8 digit date to the
user. This shoudl be done immediately after field exit or tab to next input
field. This should apply for all historical dates where it is necessary to
know the century also.

The screens shoudl be flexible enough to accept any length (6 or 8) of date
fields. The programs shoudl be intelligent enough to add the century. What
would be the default century?? This is purely dependent on the business
requirements. Whether the programs use fixed window or sliding window ..
that is purely business dependent. Most financial applications defaults to
current century.

The most important thing is that both users and MIS people should work
together. The MIS shoudl get the correct requirements from the users and
try to provide an interface that is as flexible as possible yet easy to
handle. On the other hand, the users must be trained on the new changes.
When the user goes to the next field after entering the 6 digit date, he
shoudl verify whether the entered date has correct century . If not  he
shoudl correct it. In most cases the century defaults to current century
except for historical data. For some historical data, the century could be
18. In such cases, the users have to re check the dates before going to the
next field.

The bottom line is that both users and MIS  shoudl contribute to run the
applications smoothly. It is the responsibility of MIS to provide user
friendly UI and train the users (may be some other division???) . It is
responsibility of the users to adopt to the new changes. I may be wrong.
But these are my opinions!!!

- Venu

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