× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Looking at the manual you will see that SQL support reads and writes from
arrays or multiple occurrence data structures.

The trick is how many records are you writing. Let's say you are going to
write 10 records. You could just dynamically allocate memory, load your
array and issue an SQL insert for the 10 records but if you have 100 or 200
records. You could use memory but what I usually do is to create a user
space and get a pointer to it and that pointer goes into the data structure.
That way I have up to 16mb of records and the system manages the storage.

In this example, I am using my api's for user spaces which I will be happy
to send you.

d RecordOut...
d ds Qualified
d Occurs(32766)
d Based(ptrRecordOut)
d Field1...
d 5a
d Field2...
d 2a

d SpaceName...
d s 10a
d x...
d s 5i 0

SpaceName = USPC_GetNextUserSpaceName;
USPC_CreateUserSpace(SpaceName :
%Size(RecordOut) * 10::
cTrue :
' ' :
'*ALL' :
'*YES' :
5 :
'1' );
ptrRecordOUt = USPC_GetPointerToUserSpace(SpaceName:
'QTEMP' );

For x = 1 To 10; Write some dummy records as an example.
%Occur(RecordOut) = x;
Field1 = 'ABC';

Exec Sql Insert Into YourTable :x Rows Values (:RecordOut);


Field2 = 'XX';

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