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The ICCP has at times tried to compare the CCP to the CPA. The problem is
that IT is such a wider field than accounting that there is no way a single
person could know the same percent of it as a CPA must know of GAP...

Yes, this is where individuals need to convince each employer/customer that
CCP is a significant document. I believe that even in the case of the CPA
the government doesn't regulate it, just at times recognizes it and makes
it a part of their requirements. Do you want a CPA to audit your local bank
or a public accountant (skip Enron, Worldcom, QWest... for now)? Do you use
a CPA or a public accountant to prepare you income tax? Do you want a kid
just out of college programming the ICBM launch security or a CCP? Do you
expect you local Mom & Pop shop to have a college kid program their UPC
cash register or a CCP?

As Richard notes in his post there was a huge discussion on certification
in 1998 but as I challenge people that say they tried something years ago
and it didn't work, "What has changed since then?". There is a lot more
interest in certification from employers as well as certificates to choose
from. The challenge is in what does each side really want and can they be
convinced on the value of one over another? Again, I have some added
proficiencies (would have more if I had the time) but the core fundamentals
are the key. With them I can adapt and gain specifics faster/better than
jumping from one certificate to another.

Roger Vicker, CCP

Patrick Conner wrote:

> I wish there was something similar to a CPA. Something
> recognized within the industry. Is this where we as
> professionals should take responsibility and push CCP as
> our stamp of approval or does the government or other
> organization need to accept responsibility.

Your Mileage May Vary.  :')

> _______________________________________________

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