× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

>Hello.  We are currently running Version 4 of Code400.  
>I am hoping someone could give me the top reasons for 
>doing the upgrade to the newest version on
>my pc.  

This could get ugly.  Are you on WDT v4r5 or WDSC 4.0?  When you do Help,
About, what do you see?  If it says WDSC 4.0, then you are already on the
latest release.  If it says WDT or ADTS/CS then you are an a really old
release.  It went (I think) ADTS/CS v4r5, WDT v5r1, WDSC 4.0.  If you really
are on v4r5, there are a ton of bugs fixed in Code and Designer.  If you
don't have a modern PC (256 megs RAM, 700mhz+ CPU) then upgrade to WDT V5R1.
If you have a bigger machine, try WDSC 4.0.  Code isn't different from the
WDT version, but there's a lot of web stuff you can experiment with.

In any event go to the web site and download the very latest service packs.
Under no circumstances should you run any version of these tools unless you
are up to date on service packs and PTFs on the iSeries side.

>Also, the System Requirements confuse me.  Can I run 
>that version on my desktop when we only have V5R1 installed 
>on our iSeries machines?  

Yes.  The version numbering scheme used to match OS/400, but now (4.0)
matches WebSphere Application Server.  I have been running WDT 5.1 on OS/400
v5r1 and v5r2.  I've also run WDSC 4.0 on OS/400 v5r1 and v5r2.

I hope that helps.

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