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I found it disappointing that the on-line help system only gives you access to documents specific to the type of source file you have open.

For example, while working on RPG IV source, you might need to view the DDS documents to see how a particular keyword relates to your project.

The macro below will add most of the on-line documents to the help menu on the toolbar. I'm using WDSc v4.

After you copy-paste the source below, you might have to join some of the longer lines back together. All of the statements are separated by blank lines.



/* PGM NAME      -  load_help.lx                                 */
/* PROGRAM TITLE -  Load Toolbar for Help Settings               */
/* DATE WRITTEN  -  01/30/03                                     */
/* AUTHOR        -  John Larimer                                 */
/* NARRATIVE     -  Loads toolbar items under the help heading.  */

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

/* MODIFIED  LOG #  PGMR  DESCRIPTION                            */
/* --------  -----  ----  -------------------------------------- */
/* 02/17/03         JKL   Original Version                       */


'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CL.CL_Compiler_Options code } evfclcod.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CL.CL_Programming code } evfclmst.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CL.Command_Line_Reference code } evfgs400.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CODE.CODE_Designer_Online_Documentation code } evfdh400.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CODE.CODE_Designer_Online_Documentation_--_Concepts code } evfdc400.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CODE.CODE_Designer_Online_Documentation_How_Do_I code } evfdt400.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CODE.CODE_Designer_Shortcuts code } evfdk400.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CODE.CODE_Editor_--_Concepts_and_Definitions code } evfea400.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CODE.CODE_Editor_-_Program_Generator_Window code } evflp400.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CODE.CODE_Editor_User_Interface_--_Open_IFS_File code } evfee400.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CODE.CODE_Error_List code } evfzr400.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CODE.CODE_Project_Organizer code } evfplm.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.CODE.CODE_Tips_and_Techniques code } evffaq.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.DDS.DDS_Concepts code } evfsc400.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.DDS.DDS_Parser code } evfsu400.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.DDS.DDS_Reference code } evfsr400.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.RPG.Convert_RPG_Source_Options code } evfrcvtd.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.RPG.ILE_RPG_Program_Verifier_Options code } evfripod.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.RPG.ILE_RPG_Programmer''s_Guide code { 3 evfpilsh.idm 11012'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.RPG.ILE_RPG_Reference code } evfrilsh.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.RPG.RPG/400_Help code } evferlsh.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.RPG.RPG/400_Program_Verifier_Options code } evfrcocd.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.RPG.VisualAge_RPG_GUI_Designer code { 3 fvdeguib.idm 00001'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Websphere.About_WebSphere_Development_Studio_Client_for_iSeries_Online_Help code } help.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Websphere.Getting_Started_with_IBM_WebSphere_Development_Studio_Client_for_iSeries code } getstart.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Others.C.ILE C_--_Create_Bound_C_Program_Compiler_Option code { 3 evfcbnd.idm 33502'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Others.C.ILE C_--_Create_C_Module_Compiler_Options code { 3 evfcmod.idm 33502'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Others.C.ILE_C++_--_Create_Bound_CPP_Program_Compiler_Options code { 3 evfcpbnd.idm 33502'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Others.C.ILE_C++_--_Create_CPP_Module_Compiler_Options code { 3 evfcpmod.idm 33502'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Others.C.ILE_C/C++_Language_Reference code { 3 clangref.idm 37001'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Others.C.ILE_C/C++_Programmer''s_Guide code } cpprog.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Others.COBOL.COBOL/400_Language_Help code } evfeb4ls.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Others.COBOL.ILE_COBOL_Program_Verifier code { 3 evfb4cod.idm 17560'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Others.COBOL.ILE_COBOL_Programmer''s_Guide code } cblg2mst.idm'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Others.COBOL.ILE_COBOL_Reference code { 3 evfbilsh.idm 23000'

'set actionbar.LP_HELP.Others.JAVA.Create_Java_Programs_Compile_Options code } evfsj400.idm'


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