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I just installed WDSc 4.0, and I'm trying to use the WSSDa part of it (since 
that is the strategic direction, isn't it, I'm avoiding the CODE/400 part of it 
at any cost - whether or not that is currently a good decission).

Anyway, I do have some issues in using the Remote Systems Explorer and LPEX 

1. When trying to compile in batch, he's failing and mentions something about 
QDEVTOOLS/QRSEEXEC which I'm missing).  In addition, somewhere in the help, I 
found a reference to STRRSESRV which I'm missing as well ?  Where do these 
'RSE' commands come from, and how do I get them (box should be up-to-date with 

2. The LPEX editor requires a CTRL-Enter to insert a new line... a normal Enter 
in Insert mode (as mentioned in the help) does NOT create a new line (which is 
very annoying), but just positions itself on the next line.

3. The LPEX editor doesn't seem to do syntax checking ?  Shouldn't this happen 
?  What is wrong, where do I enable this ?

This WSSDa looks promising, but it looks like IBM already created such a 
confusion that nobody knows the difference (WDSc, WSSDa, WDT, WSAD, ...) and 
strategic direction anymore.

Kind regards,

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