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It has been about a month.  Has anyone heard of plans to allow Designer
macros when editing DDS source?
----- Forwarded by Craig Strong/DEKKO on 08/01/2002 02:53 PM -----

                    Craig Strong
                                         To:     code400-l@midrange.com
                    07/08/2002           cc:
                    10:06 AM             Fax to:
                                         Subject:     What about Designer 

Are there any plans to allow Designer macros when editing the DDS source?
I have some heavily used macros in the Editor but I find myself hitting
keys and going to the menu and then remembering they are not there.  Since
the source editor in the Deisgner appears to be identical to the Editor, it
seems like it would be possible to add the same macros, user preferences,
etc that are defined for the Editor.
One of these macros I really like in the Editor is the TurnOver compile
macro because it remembers the prompt and library list like in the green
screen.  Obviously, the library list is not as important in the Designer
but the prompt would be really nice if IBM allowed macros in the Designer.
I get in the habit of exiting the Designer to do the compile in order to
use the TurnOver defaults and my last prompt and sift through the compile
listing.  I guess this is one of those "Would be nice but can come after
more important issues" requests.
Anyone have any idea about plans for Designer macros?

Craig Strong

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