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Could you explain your question a bit more detail?

How did you startup your debugger?  Invoke it from CODE editor, or from
command line (or startup menu)?
Does your CL program compiled with one of the debug *SRCDBG or *LSTDBG


Xuan Chen, Debug for iSeries
(905) 413-3769 T/L 969-3769

                      Sent by:                 To:       code400-l@midrange.com
                      code400-l-admin@m        cc:
                      idrange.com              Subject:  Debugging RPG in a 
short CL

                      08/01/2002 03:34
                      Please respond to

Is there a way to debug an RPG program in a CL when the only CL statement
(other than PGM and ENDPGM) is a CALL to the RPG?  If I add an OVRDBF
before the CALL or call the RPG direct, the debugger stops in the CL and
lets me place my RPG override in the "Programs" tab.  When it is just CALL,
the program doesn't stop in the CL or the RPG and just waits to attach
until I exit.  I will eventually put some overrides in there before I put
this in production but just for testing, it did not do what I expected.  I
heard someone on this list say that if all your CL code has no debug data,
you will stop in your RPG program (which must have debug data).  If I am
not stopping on the CALL because it is not considered debug data, shouldn't
it be considered debug data?

Craig Strong

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