× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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Hi All,

I brought this up once before, but I thought I would provide a little more

At least once a day, when I open a display file from the 400, it blows away
the row & column of a bit of text in a window.

Always the same row of text, always the same window...

Here is the Window, see any problems?
     A          R F04WND
     A                                      WINDOW(6 10 9 56)
     A                                      WDWTITLE((*TEXT 'Change ASN
     A                                      t Details') *TOP *LEFT)
     A                                      WDWTITLE((*TEXT 'F8=Continue
     A                                      ancel') *BOTTOM *RIGHT)
     A                                      WDWBORDER((*COLOR TRQ) (*DSPATR
     A                                      CA12
     A                                      CF08
     A                                  2  2'If you change any of the ASN
     A                                      ent Details,'
     A                                      COLOR(YLW)
     A                                  3  2'then any EDI Sent or Labels
     A                                      d are now incorrect.'
     A                                      COLOR(YLW)
     A                                  5  2'If you are changing the ASN
     A                                      nt Details so you can'
     A                                      COLOR(WHT)
     A                                      'resend the ASN, then press F8
     A                                      , then change use F15'
     A                                      COLOR(WHT)
     A                                  7  2'to change the Bill of Lading
     A                                      r, set the Trailing'
     A                                      COLOR(WHT)
     A                                  8  2'Letter, press F8 again, and
then F-
     A                                      17 to resend the EDI.'
     A                                      COLOR(WHT)

Notice the 'resend the ASN, then press F8 here- line...  No row or column.
On the 400, I can see using PDM that the row & col were there before the

***  I can now recreate the problem 100% of the time.  If I open my display
file, and click on the Group Tab to see the window, the source looks fine.
If I then expand the tree at the left, and click on the format for the
window, it shows without the row column.

That means the problem is occurring after the file is already open, when you
use the DDS Tree to look at your source.

I can send source for you to debug if you need it,

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