× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Well, I can tell you what I know so far.

There are actually 2 firewalls.  One on the AS400 side and one on my
local network here.

First of all the one on the AS400 side:

I do have access over SSH (Secure Shell) through to a system on the
AS400's network.  SSH has the provision itself to do port forwarding.
My SSH client is called SecureCRT from www.vandyke.com.  From within it
I can define my own port forwarding to get to the AS400.

So in other words, I make a SSH telnet connection to a host on the
AS400's network.  This connection has numerous ports forwarded to the
corresponding port on the AS400.  So as far as some of the Websphere
tools are concerned, the AS400 is "localhost", my local PC.  As long as
the SSH session is connected through, the local PC's ports are forwarded
over the secure connection to the AS400.  BTW, this is a feature of the
SSH protocol itself, so other SSH clients probably have this capability.

So, if you have SSH access to the network, you "should" be able to port
forward as you need to, without the "low-motivation" systems people
having to help you.  Of course, they would have to set up the SSH

Now, on my side of the connection:

I'm actually behind a firewall also, it's a Linux box that does IP
masquerading to enable me to have a home network that shares a single
cable modem connection to the internet.  Thus the IP address which I use
in the STRCODE command on the AS400 is my Linux box.  This means that
the port which the AS400 uses (in this case) to communicate back to the
client (port 4200) needs to be redirected from the Linux box to my NT pc
which is actually running the WDT software.

For this I use a small freeware program called "relayd".  When you
launch it, you can specify a port number to be redirected to another

So, in my situation the WDT features that rely on the STRCODE server,
seem to work fine.  But for the distributed debugger, the AS400
apparently communicates back to the client over a random port.  I think
I would also need to "relayd" this to get it to work.  At least I think
this is currently the problem.

Hopefully that was clear enough to follow.  If not, let me know and I'll
try to clarify.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: code400-l-admin@midrange.com
> [mailto:code400-l-admin@midrange.com]On Behalf Of Phil Groschwitz
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 11:00 AM
> To: code400-l@midrange.com
> Subject: RE: Is CODE going to help me?
> I'll like to hear what you do to get working through
> the firewall.  I have never been able to do that (in
> part because the systems people have no motivation to
> help.)

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