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I am getting into the CODE Designer for designing physical files since it
can potentially be faster than editing them through the Editor.  I am
running into productivity roadblocks and some are not just in PF but in
PRTF and DSPF as well.  PF Designing just kind of brought them to light.
These are the issues I would like to have considered maybe by Mike Hockings
and anyone else interested in the F4 "Field Properties":

For all DDS Designing in GUI when pressing F4 "Field Properties":
1. Shouldn't the <Insert> key switch to overtype mode from insert mode?  I
almost never take the default field names like FIELD1, FIELD2, etc.  It
would be nice to be able to just start typing my new field name.
2. Shouldn't the cursor be positioned in the "Field" portion instead of the
text "Basic"?  If not, why aren't all the other tabs the same way?  If you
click another tab and then back to "Basic", the cursor is positioned on the
"Field" portion.
3. Now press <Tab> key.  Where's the cursor?

On just DSPF and PF when pressing F4 "Field Properties":
4. <Tab> after the "Shift" portion of "Basic" tab.  Where's the cursor?

On just DSPF when pressing F4 "Field Properties":
5. <Tab> after the field length to the decimal portion of a numeric field.
The cursor is on the decimal but I can't see it.  Click on it or enter
something.  There it is.

For PF type Desinging in GUI when pressing F4 "Field Properties":
6. Shouldn't field "Length" portion be the 2nd or 3rd tabbed field instead
of the last?
7. If you click on the screen and then back on the field properties, you
can't even tab to the field "Length" portion.
8. Click the COLHDG tab.  You can only type 20 characters per line but the
box looks like you could type more.  Shouldn't it only be as narrow as the
maximum characters per line?  It would make deciding when to split a line,
a little more efficient.
9. (Outside of F4) On the PF Design, place the cursor on the middle field
and press Alt+N for inserting a named field.  Shouldn't the field be
inserted after the cursor instead of the end?  If it should be at the end,
shouldn't the cursor be placed on this field for quick prompting?  It is no
big deal though to cut and paste where you want it.

Now for one inconsistency with the Designer and Editor for PF:
10. When adding a new field through Designer or Editor, why is the "Use"
field blank but when going back to Designing or loading the source again,
it changes to "B"?  It just seems like an inconsistency.

Your review and help would be greatly appreciated.

Craig Strong

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