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Agreed - development resource SHOULD concentrate on functionality. But I
don't think the two are mutually exclusive. Look, if forced to do so I would
probably migrate (bad choice of words since MS does not make that possible)
to Win2K before giving up on Code or WDT. Still, it certainly behooves IBM
to make sure, when MS goes nuts and releases OS after OS, that it either
keeps up or that it loudly discloses it's failure to do so.  

Anyway, I purchased my PC directly from an IBM channel partner, and when I
say there was no choice, what I mean is that the channel partner decides
what is available and what is not.  The Win2K machines available when I was
ready to purchase were not of the same power capabilities as the WinME, so
my choice at that time was pretty much a no-brainer. Had I USED my brain,
however, I probably should have held out for a more powerful Win2K machine
and avoided all the WinME problems in favor of the installation mess I have
read about on the Win2K boxes.  I only hope that, if I DO switch to Win2K, I
will be one of the lucky ones whose installation path is smooth and
uneventful (although I am not counting on it).  

If IBM does choose to concentrate it's development effort on functionality,
I can only hope that INSTALLATION is one of the functional areas they
prioritize at the high end of the spectrum.  


-----Original Message-----
From: John Taylor [mailto:john.taylor@telusplanet.net]
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 10:03 AM
To: CODE400-L@midrange.com
Subject: Re: CODE Designer woes


I'm curious about where you purchase your computers from. Here in Canada,
when I order a computer from one of my suppliers, I'm given the option of
which operating system I'd like to have installed.

Personally, I would prefer to have the development team concentrate their
resources on improving the functionality of the product, instead of wasting
time trying to make it work on a consumer level OS. If you're a developer,
and you're running Win9x, or ME, I urge you to RUN to your nearest computer
store and pick up Win2K. It is probably the only MS operating system that is
worth spending money on. In the end, you'll have fewer problems, and the
CODE development team will have a fighting chance to build a stable product.


John Taylor

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ric A. LuBell" <rlubell@iointernational.com>
To: <CODE400-L@midrange.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 16:48
Subject: RE: CODE Designer woes

> Phil,
> I believe what it means is "IBM does not support Windows ME for WDT400".
> have been "told" that this is not a permanent condition, but I have seen
> signs of it changing as of yet.  Very frustrating to get answers like this
> when almost all new computers being sold are coming with WinME factory
> installed and, for that PARTICULAR Windows operating system, there is NO
> upgrade to the "supported" O/S of Windows 2000 or NT, and there is no
> "downgrade" [who would want to] to Win98!  Apparently the only way I will
> ever get WDT400 installed is to flatten the PC, buy a NEW version of
> Windows2000, and start from scratch... a MOST UNDESIRABLE concept.
> maybe IBM will decide to support it soon... Ric LuBell

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