× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Testing the product, after a clean installation both on the client and the server, I met some problems which I can’t solve.
Os server                     V4.R5.M0  Cum.C00294
5769-CL2 server            V4.R5.M1 (no PTF installed)
Os client                      Windows 98 SE, Tcp/Ip
5769-CL2 client             V4.R5.M1 (SP1)
CODE Project Organizer
---A library added using the Communication Console, is not effectively added to the Project Library List; checking for errors at the communication error log, the following entry is displayed -one time for each connection occurred-: <EVFCSVRD.EXE Tue Jan 16 18:52:36 2001 ccSetLibraryList: RC=5>, obviously with different dates and times.
---The FILTER menu on the menu bar does not work: clicking on you get no options: more, while it seems nothing is happening, starting from that action the SERVER options (TOOLS menu) “looses” the usual options (Properties and Closing All Servers).
---Choosing the ACTIONS option from the menu PROJECT and selecting an interactive AS/400 command (for example: EDTLIBL), we get the error message  ‘CPD0031 Command EDTLIBL not allowed in this environment’ (i.e.: the action does not switch to the STRCODE session –open ad available- nor I get a specific window –like the one we get selecting the CRTLIB command). Other commands as DSPLIBL or WRKSPLF only work as batch functions and give printouts.
---Selecting the option QCMD START from the menu PROJECT, the job stops for about 1 minute, than we get an error from the program CODEPRJ2 (causing an error in the stack in the module CPPWM35I.DLL in 016f:00514196).
Any AS/400 connected function becomes inhibited, showing a message stating that the AS/400 is busy; to reset the situation we need to stop and restart the communication daemon. While this happens, the supporting job in Qusrwrk seems to loop between a couple of client execution requests: see the following log:
                       Visualizzazione di tutti i messaggi                     
                                                            Sistema:   S44G8157
 Lavoro . .: QZRCSRVS      Utente . . : QUSER         Numero . . . . : 257060  
     Lavoro 257060/QUSER/QZRCSRVS avviato il 16/01/01 alle 18:59:30 nel        
       sottosistema QUSRWRK in QSYS. Lavoro immesso nel sistema il 16/01/01    
       alle 18:59:30..                                                          
     Utente QSECOFR dal client collegato al server.                
     Richiesta stazione client - esecuzione programma QSYS/QUSRJOBI.           
     Richiesta stazione client - esecuzione programma *LIBL/QUSROBJD.          
     Richiesta stazione client - esecuzione programma *LIBL/QUSRUSAT.          
     Richiesta stazione client - esecuzione programma *LIBL/QUSRTVUS.          
     Richiesta stazione client - esecuzione programma *LIBL/QUSRUSAT.           
     Richiesta stazione client - esecuzione programma *LIBL/QUSRTVUS.          
     Richiesta stazione client - esecuzione programma *LIBL/QUSRUSAT.          
     Richiesta stazione client - esecuzione programma *LIBL/QUSRTVUS.          
     Richiesta stazione client - esecuzione programma *LIBL/QUSRUSAT.          
     Richiesta stazione client - esecuzione programma *LIBL/QUSRTVUS.          
 Premere Invio per continuare.                                                 
 F3=Fine   F5=Rivisual.   F12=Cancellazione   F17=Inizio dati   F18=Fine dati  
When we click on CLOSE at the client, the server job ends
---The option ACTIONS from the menu OPTIONS (that should work also pressing  Shift F4) does not work.
---Choosing a SEU function from the available options for a remote source member, we get the message ‘CPD0031 Command STRSEU not allowed in this environment’; other functions, like
CODE Designer
---When we draw a screen, in the underlying windows -showing the DDS specs- the bar to move forward and backward does not work properly, since it restart always from the top when we move the cursor between the upper and the lower window.
Any help appreciated.
Claudio Gaiardi

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