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  • Subject: Re: Y2K tools for BPCS 5.1
  • From: Zoran Pirjevec <Zoranp@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 16:19:40 -0400


Thank you for your comments.

Clearly you did not read mine closely enough, to repeat "Horror stories abound 
and I
have heard some about Nexgen as well but not as bad as the ones about INTO2000."

I am not making any suggestions, merely repeating what I have heard from 
sources. Why do you say they are false? One in particular from South East Asia 
it was reported that the above mentioned tools were in competition. One side
discounted his price for 4 copies of the software down to $20,000 (from $80,000 
copy) and still lost the sale. Doesn't seem to add up, does it?

Mind you, I have heard positive stories as well, just like you have I imagine
(please correct me if you haven't) - but I omitted making any reference to them.

Incidentally, I have had a conversation with Ardi Batmanghelidj to our mutual
satisfaction and did not foist it upon the rest of the uninterested parties as
debating it here would do. Call me directly if you so wish, I would be pleased 
speak with you.

Your objective no doubt is to win Mr. Bourdin's ear, whether by a gentleman's 
or knock down drag out verbal battle.

Its fair to say that each of our respective solutions  do the job. What job? 
a BPCS user navigate through 1/1/2000 and beyond.

As to which is the "better" choice, the decision maker has to consider (at 
Milt's and Manus' checklists, how standard his system is, his available 
budget and time constraints and over what period of time the chosen solution 
to stay in operation - and of course your particular checklist.

If the user can get past the glib rhetoric of 'cheap', 'quick and dirty' and
'fooling the computer' and such like nonsensical, totally subjective, righteous
postulations he most often comes to the conclusion that the 28 year offset 
(to use a neutral phrase) will do - unless he is convinced to attempt to buy a 
comfortable peace of mind with the use of another method. It costs more and he 
better. Why do we have 779 different models of car on our roads?

Incidentally, what irresponsible outbursts......?

mitchell@nexgensoftware.com wrote:

> Zoran:
> I know that this discussion group has had it with the Y2K mudslinging.
> And you have crossed a very serious line.  To spuriously suggest that there 
> horror stories about any vendor, without any context to be able defend your
> claims is irresponsible and damaging.  Not only are your comments false but 
> are probably violate list guidelines.
> I, like Mr. Batmanghelidj, was hoping for a technical discussion of the merits
> of the opposing approaches.
> Let us either have a productive discussion of the sort that can help people 
> Mr. Bourdin make an informed decision or drop it alltogether.
> I hope that the group demands a silencing of such irresponsible outbursts.
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