× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

By the way, Tim. How do you use single page apps in business contexts?

We have several small apps but the main one is used to help reconcile our IBM i logistic system's invoices with the same ones on an SAP system. We have a nice graphical dashboard with charts showing the invoices that are missing or different (by value, country, type etc.) and the amounts concerned, the users can then drill down to look into the details or use a filtered list with various sort and search criteria to find unreconciled invoices. They can also add comments and assign other groups to issues found, the groups' users are notified by mail with a link to the issue, making it easy for them to go directly to the invoice in question, take any required actions, add their comments and assign the problem elsewhere. One advantage is that we use the Active Directory to authenticate users, so even people with no IBM i profile (such as management) can still use the apps.

The other main application is an internal IT app to manage the part of the BI system we run on our IBM i, so we can monitor the jobs it runs, view them graphically as a timeline and view various other charts to monitor their performance, update mappings and start and stop jobs and check logs. I don't suppose screen shots would work here, otherwise I'd post a couple to give you an idea.

I'm also writing an application for my sister to manage her small child education business, so mainly manging customers, arranging classes and billing etc. but this is using MariaDB for the database and business logic and a thin Node server as described in my previous post. All use Angular as the front-end framework, from version 3 to version 9, depending on when they were written.

Despite the fact I work for quite a progressive IBM i department, it's been a very hard slog to persuade them to use web apps, the users love them but the pushback from aging RPGers who would have to learn even SQL is significant unfortunately, although we are making some progress....


From: WEB400 <web400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Nathan Andelin <nandelin@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 25 May 2020 17:45
To: Web Enabling the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries) <web400@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [WEB400] PHP webform as an alternative for subfiles

Adding to what Tim said about single page apps. The entry point of the
application might be a very small static HTML skeleton. Add to that page a
reference to a JavaScript framework that transforms it into something
meaningful by having the browser merge skeleton HTML with JSON at runtime,
which might be requested asynchronously from the server. For example:


The page alternates between list and detail content by clicking a hyperlink
or the browser back button.

You don't need PHP or any other web-service layer to get an app like that
working. The page might simply reference static JSON or XML, comparable to
the sample shared in the original post.

After you get the app doing what you want, you can change references from
static JSON or XML, to a request that interfaces with a web service (and a

By the way, Tim. How do you use single page apps in business contexts?

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