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IWS accepts JSON or XML and parses it into the parameters you specified when creating the web service client. When configuring IWS, you can tell it to accept only one or the other (JSON or XML) or both. It's transparent to the procedure that's processing the request -- either one ends up in the parms you specified.

And when sending a response, IWS takes the parms from your service program and formats them in either JSON or XML and sends it to the requester.

But it does not provide any procedures for you to use in your program to parse JSON or XML.

On 11/3/2019 12:31 AM, Jon Paris wrote:
To add to Vern's comment. The role IWS plays is in this area is acting as a web service client. It has no inherent JSON consumption capability (unless they've snuck that in and I didn't notice). What it provides is the equivalent to Scott's HTTPAPI and personally I think it is fair more complicated and less flexible than Scott's ap[proach. I'm using IWS more as a provider of web services, but still don't use it for consuming.

As Vern notes, YAJLINTO with DATA-INTO is a great tool. Or for situations where that doesn't fit then just the "raw" YAJL APIs.

On Nov 2, 2019, at 11:19 PM, Vernon Hamberg <vhamberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Booth - it might depend on how you will use IWS - do you mean to consume a web service in your RPG program?

Even if it can be used, it is probably like using a bulldozer or steam shovel to plant tulips.

I have 2 recommendations

- the DATA-INTO op code that is now available, combined with Scott Klement's YAJL service program
- embedded SQL using the JSON_TABLE function that is similar to what can be done with XMLTABLE.

I don't remember if JSON_TABLE has the underscore - it might be JSONTABLE


On 11/2/2019 3:31 PM, Booth Martin wrote:
Is IWS useful for consuming json data with RPG? What are solutions that you believe are useful?

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