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Hi all,

I'm trying to deploy an IWS service for the first time using a service program that I created. The service program has two sub-procedures, both return production yield values. The first returns yield data by color code (which in our world is material). The second returns yield data by production line number. Both work normally when bound with an RPGLE program.

The service program is called WS100I, the two sub-procedures are called ColorYield and LineYield. The rest of this focuses on ColorYield as that's the one I'm working with.

The PR/PI of ColorYield looks as follows:

       //-- Prototype Definition ----------
         Dcl-pr ColorYield;
           Color_Code Zoned(3:0);
           Color_Data Likeds(Yield_Info);

       //-- Procedure Interface Definition ----------
         Dcl-pi ColorYield;
           Color_Code Zoned(3:0);
           Color_Data Likeds(Yield_Info);

Color_Code is the input and Color_Data is the output.

The DS Yield_Info looks as follows:

       //-- Data Structures ----------
           Dcl-ds Yield_Info Template;
             Color_Dsc_Short Char(5);
             Color_Dsc_Long Char(10);
             Num_Starts Zoned(5:0);
             Num_Firsts Zoned(5:0);
             Yield_Percent Zoned(5:2);

I'm using the Deploy New Service wizard on my 7.1 system. My issue starts when I'm specifying the name for the service (step 3 of 9 on my system).

I've set the resource name as WS100I and the service description as WS100I. But I'm not sure how to set the URI path template. Right now, it's looks like:


When I get to step 5 of 9 (specifying resource method information), I get the following error:

ZUI_54411: The HTTP method must be PUT or POST when there is an input parameter that is not being injected with a value.

The Input Parameter Mappings look like:

Parameter Name: Color_Code
Data Type: Zoned
Input Source: *PATH_PARAM
Identifier: color
Default Value: *NONE

Parameter Name: Color_Data
Data Type Struct
Input Source: *NONE

For the second parameter, none of the fields are changeable, they do not allow input.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong at this point. Perhaps the error is related to not including the second parameter in the URI path template, but I can't figure out how to define the regular expression for a data structure.

For reference, I've been referring to web pages by Nadir Amra and Scott Klement.

Any ideas?



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