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Has anyone here actually gotten any of these various guides' instructions to work?  SoapUI does give the right conversion; therefore the server appears to be doing something right, and the connection seems to be open and available.

Returns "*Not Found*":

* http://the.domain.com:10101/web/services/ftoc/123
* http://the.domain.com:10101/web/services/ConvertTemp/ftoc/123
* http://the.domain.com:10101/web/services/ConvertTemp/123

On 11/11/2018 5:15 AM, Tim Fathers wrote:
Assuming this is the example you're following, then It tells you here doesn't it? https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/ibmi/library/i-rest-web-services-server2/index.html

Building a REST service with integrated web services ...<https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/ibmi/library/i-rest-web-services-server2/index.html>
For several years now, IBM i users have had the ability to deploy ILE programs and services programs as web services based on the SOAP protocol using the integrated web services server support that is part of the operating system.

So "<context-root>/ftoc/{temp}" where <context-root> is the base URI of your web application. Again, according to the docs, the default should be:

"/web/services/ftoc/123 *
Note: The above URI assumes that the default context root (/web/services) was not changed for the server."

In your example URI "web/services/ConvertTempService/ConvertTemp" it looks like you might be either confusing the SOAP and REST implementations or the service program name and the mapped resource name that points to it. Steps 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 in the above documentation describe this mapping.


From: WEB400 <web400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Booth Martin <booth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 11 November 2018 02:30
To: Web Enabling the AS400 / iSeries
Subject: [WEB400] web services ConvertTemp

A question:

What is an example of a URI that includes the parms for Fahrenheit to
Celsius or Celsius to Fahrenheit, and the parm for the temperature to be

An example might be:

url =

path = "web/services/ConvertTempService/ConvertTemp"

and "FtoC" and "90"

I am not to sure about the FtoC and CtoF - that gets mentioned about
half the time but is never in the examples. It would seem that would be
essential, but? I have tried all of the combinations and constructions
I can think of.

Booth Martin

There are some micro-organisms that exhibit characteristics of both
plants and animals. When exposed to light they undergo photosynthesis;
and when the lights go out, they turn into animals. But then again,
don't we all?
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