× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

On 8/5/2014 1:14 PM, Buck Calabro wrote:
I had Perl working on my 7.1 box. Installed 7.2 and now I get the
dreaded 'ZSRV_MSG0947: End of script output before headers' error.

I wrote an email to the support address for 5799-PTL. Got a very
pleasant reply to the effect that since Perl is working on the command
line, it probably is the HTTP server at fault. (After all, that's what
changed...) He suggested I open a PMR, so I did.

Don't mention Perl in a PMR. As soon as you do, the 'We do not support
Perl' gate comes crashing down and that's that. It didn't matter that I
specifically asked for support with the HTTP server; that Perl was the
CGI language was the specific reason to deny support.

For the archives: I am abandoning Perl CGI. At the moment, my Twiki
pages are in purgatory on the i. I can't read them because Apache won't
serve them. I will install TWiki on my PC and copy the pages from the i
to the PC. From there, I'll need to script some way to convert them
from TWiki syntax to Mediawiki syntax and INSERT them into the MySQL
database I now have running under an old version of Zend. PHP is
officially supported.

Or maybe I'll just have the other developers point their web browser to
my PC and keep the Twiki off the i altogether. That could be the
depression speaking, but it's a lot of work to move to a different platform.

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