× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

So your goal would be to write web application(s) allowing members to securely access their data, perhaps update some of their data such as address/phone. (Called "self service" apps) And then other applications for union mgmt to view and work with this data as appropriate? Your constraints are that you have little experience and lunch and afterhours to do this? -Paul

Buck wrote:

I work for a very large professional union. We serve hundreds of small
locals and a few large ones. Through the locals, we serve the local
membership, some 800k+. As a rule, neither the locals nor the
membership are particularly web savvy although that is changing over
time. We've deployed brochureware as well as semi-static advocacy sort
of material. We've also deployed several member inquiry applications.

5250-only access is comforting to the executives because it is a more or
less physical restriction to the data. They like the concept of browser
based access but are very leery of the possible security problems they
imagine will arise. And so we have a continued push to upgrade the 5250
side of the house, with only a mild amount of interest in the web side.

It's definitely a catch-22, but I think I'm failing my employer if I
don't get us moving down the web path.

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