So my last ditch effort seems to have fixed it, but I am not entirely sure
why. I modified the /www/zendsvr/wp_aaron/wp-admin/includes/file.php file
to have some debug statements as follows:
if ( ! $method && function_exists('getmyuid') &&
function_exists('fileowner') ){
echo 'DEBUG:step1'; <--------------------------
if ( !$context )
echo 'DEBUG:step2'; <---------------------------
$context = WP_CONTENT_DIR;
$context = trailingslashit($context);
$temp_file_name = $context . 'temp-write-test-' . time();
$temp_handle = @fopen($temp_file_name, 'w');
if ( $temp_handle ) {
echo 'DEBUG:step3';<----------------------------------------
if ( getmyuid() == @fileowner($temp_file_name) )
echo 'DEBUG:step4';<-------------------------------------
$method = 'direct';
Doing an option 8 (Display Attributes) on file.php reveals it's owner is
QTMHHTTP - and it was that way *before* I modified it. So it would seem
that making a modification to file.php is what caused it to work correctly.
My *guess* is that PHP is looking at the timestamp of the file to know
whether or not to recompile it again, and at that time it might also cache
the owner. But does it hold a cache through a server restart? (which I have
done a number of times)
So it is now working, but I am not sure why.
Aaron Bartell
On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Pete Helgren <pete@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Don't forget to post back! I have the same issue and since I have a few
Wordpress sites running on my i I would like to get it resolved.
Pete Helgren
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