I could probably supply some expertise/code, however it would be nice to
see some sort of high level design document and specification on you are
planning for this to work.
The EXTJS examples look nice.
Based on your web site post if somebody is funding your time on this is
there a commercial interest ?
Can you share who that is ?
Richard Schoen
RJS Software Systems Inc.
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message: 2
date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 12:38:09 -0600
from: Aaron Bartell <aaronbartell@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: [WEB400] Code donations for RPGUI initiative
Hi all,
I am in the process of developing a GPL v3 (open source/free) framework
is titled RPGUI. You can find more information about it on my site:
The purpose of this email is to see if there are others out there that
be willing to donate specific portions of code to the effort. I have
detailed two of my current needs below. The obvious requirement would
that the code can be released into the public space without any strings
attached. I haven't gone into intense details as I figure if you have
developed such a piece of code you would know what I am talking about.
these items are too vague then I can expound on them.
---"CGI Router" ---
This code would be able to receive a request from the browser and
correspondingly send the request to a job waiting on a data queue. The
waiting on the data queue is more or less simulating an EXFMT. The data
queue would be keyed and the job would wait for a specific entry. After
CGI Router wrote an entry to the data queue it would immediately wait
for a
subsequent response on the same data queue using the same unique key.
---"Intermediary Data Holder"---
When a request comes in from the browser I will have a generic program
"parse" the data and place it into a location that will be accessible by
job waiting on the aforementioned data queue. I could use DB2 tables,
that is potentially a lot of extra DB I/O for each request/response trip
to/from the browser. I was thinking that user spaces or user indexes
be the way to go. Whatever the mechanism, it will need to have indexing
capabilities so pieces of information can be retrieved fast (think of a
name-value-pair array).
Thanks in advance to anyone that is willing to donate,
Aaron Bartell
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