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This might be more appropriate on another list, but my goal is to get web access to existing green screen programs, so I'll start here.

What I have is a relatively simple application with a handful (maybe a dozen) users other than the end users inputting into it. It's all standard old school RPG IV converted (I think) from RPG III - at least that's the style. All subfile programs with business and display logic together.

What I'm looking for is a nice, easy tutorial/book/etc. of the right way to design the change to keep existing green screen access able to work the same (with whatever enhancements I put in) and have a web front end as well. I'm tempted to just go write new programs for the web side, but even so it makes sense to incorporate the proper separation. I've seen high level design, I think even on a Midrange list, about MVC. I'm pretty sure this is the right way to go, but I'd like to see some simple to moderate examples of the "right way" to do this.

The modernizing legacy apps information I browsed didn't seem helpful in this regard.
Sean Porterfield

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