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Super, but the iCommunity/iSociety is VERY late in doing that marketing and needs to get with the program... sort of doing a RAD (Rapid Application Development) for a show and tell to the world at large; QUICKLY. The i5 is not usually in a list of platforms to consider for those folks, I'll wager because they don't know what it can do, its reliability, its TCO, etc., etc., etc.


Trevor Perry <trevor@xxxxxxxxxx> 8/11/2008 15:12 >>>

I think the iWorld misunderstands how .Net can work in their favor. Richard
is someone who is adept at that integration, and the more events he does,
the more the iWorld will understand.

On a different note, i itself needs to be marketed beyond the faithful. One
of the goals of iSociety, for example, is to bring the iCommunity together,
and then reach out to the IT world at large.

My statement was in the context of the former. I believe in both.


On 8/11/08 5:19 PM, "Dave Odom" <Dave.Odom@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I think the iWorld could do with some more events to showcase what you do.

Absolutely, but not JUST the iWorld... you're preaching to the converted (to
some extent). Where you need to show of what the i can do is to the larger IT
world... that is if you want to save and grow the platform.


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