× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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The discussion somewhat veered from my original investigation of rich-client frameworks, but that's fine.

I downloaded Ext JS last night and began looking at what it might take to load their basic Grid component from an SQL result set, and came up with this example:


Technically, you define a "data store" component and bind it to a "grid" component, then request data from the server, and load it into the local data store. Ext JS offers a few different data format options. So far I've tested with XML and JSON formatted responses.

The page takes a while to load because it references Ext JS script files that are fairly large. But their Grid component automatically offers quite a few nice behaviors that I might not put into a Web application if I had to code them myself.

I've provided links to the Javascript required to define and load the data store and grid components, along with the source for the JSON template, and the RPG program that generates and outputs the SQL result set.


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