× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


Yes, aware that Windoz was never designed to be a multi-user OS but M$ has and
still does market their OS as the only OS you or your business will ever need,
able to replace midrange, mainframe, etc., etc. and MANY have done more than
sip the cool-aid.

You're quite right about the failure or reduced performance rate of Windoz vs.
i5 OS.


"Mark Allen" <scprideandms@xxxxxxxxx> 6/1/2007 19:01 >>>
<personal opinion>
Windows was never designed to be a multi user OS. It's been
kludged/band-aided/duct taped to "look" like one and the general masses have
bought into it. The mid-range line from the S/34 (and maybe earlier) was
built from the beginning to be a multi-user, multi-tasking system. In my
experience over 80% (and thats very conservative IMEO) of "problems" in a
mixed environment of Windows and i5 interoperability/interfacing is caused
by an error in Windows (whether its SQL Server, Network File server,
Exchange server, et al) . Yet, who do the majority of the users/management
blame or point the finger at you can bet it's not the Windows

</personal opinion>

On 6/1/07, Dave Odom <Dave.Odom@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

BINGO!!!! And you have to suspect an OS that says its multi-tasking,
multi-threading but doesn't hold a candle to the multi-everything the i5 can
do, including true multi-user.

Nathan Andelin <nandelin@xxxxxxxxx> 6/1/2007 15:43 >>>
Aaron B. wrote:
My point more revolves around the fact (yes I said fact) that
Windows is an inferior operating system to i5OS.

You have to be suspect of a server where the highest priority task is the
one monitoring and dispatching messages for mouse movement... it goes
downhill from there ;-)


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