× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

If I write directly from a SSI (CGI) program to QtmhWrStout, the server
seems to avoid doing the EBCDIC to ASCII conversion on the generated HTML.

For example, I have a SSI that writes an HTML comment to the page with the
number of visits to that particular page from your IP address.

On the old CERN server, there was no issue. Moving to Apache on V5R3, this
particular SSI which writes to stdout using QtmhWrStout directly seems to be
avoiding converting the data I'm sending to the browser. That is, it is
sending EBCDIC instead of ASCII. Hence I get a bunch of crap in the browser.

Yet, if I use CGILIB (my version of a CGIDEV2-style library) and send a huge
chunk of HTML (like my weekly surveys) everything is output correctly.
Ironically those interfaces also use QtmhWrStout.

I actually tested this by going into the visits counter program and
converting the data to CCSID(819) and then writing it via QtmhWrStout. It
worked perfectly.

Yet no such conversion is performed in CGILIB as it lets the server handle
conversions automagically, and there is never a problem.

I do see conflicting things in the midrange-l archives and on the IBM.com
website with respect to CGIConvMode  %%EBCDIC/EBCDIC%% vs %%MIXED/MIXED%%.

But I thought that was only used for encoding URL strings read by CGI
programs, not for writing data to the stdout.

Anyone else run into this kind of issue?


-Bob Cozzi


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