× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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OS is 7.5, PTFs current as of 01 Jun 24.

Here's the entire CHKOBJ help.

Table of Contents






The Check Object (CHKOBJ) command checks object existence and verifies the
user's authority for the object before trying to access it. If the object
exists and the user has the proper authority for the object, no error
messages are sent to the user. For verification, as many as ten specific
authorities can be specified on the command.

These checks are particularly useful before the user tries to access
several objects at the same time. This command is also used to check the
validity of object names contained in CL variables and to verify object
authorizations under program control.

When the command runs, the system searches for the specified object. If the
object is found, the system verifies that the user is authorized to that
object as specified for the *Authority (AUT)* parameter. If the object is
not found or the user does not have the authorities specified for the AUT
parameter, an error message is sent to the user.
Object (OBJ)

Specifies the object to be checked.

This is a required parameter.

*Qualifier 1: Object*
*name*Specify the name of the object to be checked.

*Qualifier 2: Library*
**LIBL*All libraries in the library list for the current thread are
searched until the first match is found. **CURLIB*The current library for
the thread is searched. If no library is specified as the current library
for the thread, the QGPL library is searched. *name*Specify the name of the
library to be searched.
Object type (OBJTYPE)

Specifies the object type of the object to be checked.

To see a complete list of object types when prompting this command,
position the cursor on the field for this parameter and press F4 (Prompt).
For a description of the object types, see "Object types" in the CL topic
collection in the Programming category in the IBM i Information Center at

This is a required parameter.
*object-type*Specify the type of object to be checked.
Member, if data base file (MBR)

Specifies the file member, if a member of a database file is to be checked.

*Note: *The logical file member, and the physical file members on which it
is based are checked.
**NONE*Database file members are not checked, but the existence and
(optionally) the authority for the file are checked. For all other object
types (including device files), *NONE is the only valid value for this
parameter. **FIRST*The first member of the specified file is used.
a physical or logical file member to be checked. Values specified for
the *Object
(OBJ)* and *Object type (OBJTYPE)* parameters must identify a database file
and the member specified must be a member of the database file specified
for the OBJ parameter.
Authority (AUT)

Specifies the authority to be checked or specifies an authorization list to
be checked. This parameter can be specified as a single value or as a list
of one or more elements.

*Single values*
**NONE*Authority is not checked. **ALL*All (*ALL) authority provides the
authority needed to perform all operations except those limited to the
owner or controlled by authorization list management (*AUTLMGT) authority.
You can control the object's existence, specify the security for the
object, change the object, and perform basic functions on the object. You
also can change ownership of the object. **CHANGE*Change (*CHANGE)
authority provides the authority needed to perform all operations on the
object except those limited to the owner or controlled by object existence
(*OBJEXIST) and object management (*OBJMGT) authorities. You can change and
perform basic functions on the object. *CHANGE authority provides object
operational (*OBJOPR) authority and all data authority. If the object is an
authorization list, you cannot add, change, or remove users. **EXCLUDE*Exclude
authority prevents access to the object. **AUTLMGT*Authorization list
management (*AUTLMGT) authority provides the authority needed to add user
names to the authorization list, change users' authorities on the
authorization list, to remove user names from the authorization list, to
rename an authorization list, or to create a duplicate authorization list.

*Note: *You must use the object type of *AUTL when you specify *AUTLMGT

*Other values (up to 10 repetitions)*
**OBJALTER*Object alter (*OBJALTER) authority provides the authority needed
to alter the attributes of an object. If the user has this authority for a
database file, the user can add and remove triggers, add and remove
referential and unique constraints, and change the attributes of the
database file. If the user has this authority for a SQL package, the user
can change the attributes of the SQL package. This authority is currently
only used for database files and SQL packages. **OBJEXIST*Object existence
(*OBJEXIST) authority provides the authority needed to control object
ownership and existence. These authorities are necessary for a user who
wants to delete, free storage, save, restore, or transfer ownership of an
object. (If a you have save system (*SAVSYS) special authority, you do not
need *OBJEXIST authority.) **OBJMGT*Object management (*OBJMGT) authority
provides the authority needed to specify the security for the object, move
or rename the object, and add members to database files. **OBJOPR*Object
operational (*OBJOPR) authority provides the authority needed to look at
the description of an object and to use the object as determined by the
user's data authority for the object. *OBJOPR authority has no data
authorities associated with it. **OBJREF*Object reference (*OBJREF)
authority provides the authority needed to reference an object from another
object such that operations on that object may be restricted by the other
object. If the user has this authority for a physical file, the user can
add a referential constraint in which the physical file is the parent. This
authority is currently only used for database files. **ADD*Add authority
(*ADD) provides the authority needed to add entries to an object (for
example, job entries to a queue or records to a file). **DLT*Delete (*DLT)
authority provides authority needed to remove entries from an object.
**EXECUTE*Execute (*EXECUTE) authority provides the authority needed to run
a program or locate an object in a library or directory. **READ*Read
(*READ) authority provides the authority needed to show the contents of an
object. **UPD*Update (*UPD) authority provides authority needed to change
the entries in an object.

On Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 1:43 PM Steve Ferrell via WDSCI-L <
wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Justin,

I just checked in using CHKOBJ (pressing F1) and I see the Error
messages at the very bottom of the list.

What version is your IBM i?

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