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Daniel, you said:
"It maybe would be enough to have 2 object tables open with different sources/filters - but this is impossible right now. Today I open RSE on one machine - and object table on the other - but you can't compare, and you have to "manually sync scroll" both lists - which is kind of cumbersome."

This IS possible (sort of) now within RDi.

- Create two Perspectives, both having the Object Table view
- To make life easier, maximise the Object Table views in both Perspectives
- Within each Object Table, log in to the appropriate server - and filter accordingly

To make life even easier, change the default setting for Perspectives in Preferences:

WINDOW > PREFERENCES > GENERAL > PERSPECTIVES > Open a new Perspective > In a new window

Close/open both Perspectives if necessary, then you should have two separate windows (Object Tables) which you can place side-by-side.

You won't be able to copy/paste between the Perspectives, but you CAN right-click on a member and use the iSphere 'Copy Member(s) to' function.


On 11/12/2023 17:26, Daniel Gross wrote:
Hi Thomas,

since some time I really think about a great RDi feature, which could probably be implemented by iSphere.

I always have the problem, that I need to compare the sources of two libraries or the same library on two different machines. For example - I have a library XYZ on two machines - and I want to know, if all sources are on both machines.

So it would be great to have a "Norton Commander" like double list with the members from both machines/libraries - where missing members on both sides are "marked" or "highlighted" - then I could easily copy the missing members from one machine to the other. And I could easily do member compares my selecting the member in both machines and doing "Compare with each other".

It maybe would be enough to have 2 object tables open with different sources/filters - but this is impossible right now. Today I open RSE on one machine - and object table on the other - but you can't compare, and you have to "manually sync scroll" both lists - which is kind of cumbersome.

Just an idea for a future iSphere release.

Kind regards,

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