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Is it possible that GPIEFF > GPICAN?  The online documentation does not say whether that would cause an error, but since it says

IF x IN %RANGE(y1 : y2);

is equivalent to

IF x >= y1 AND x <= y2;

then it does not seem like it would care.  You would simply not get the result you expect, e.g. if x is 5 and y1 is 9 and y2 is 6, then

IF 5 IN %RANGE( 9 : 3);


IF 5 >= 9 AND 5 <= 3;

would both would be false.

*Peter Dow* /
Dow Software Services, Inc.
909 793-9050
pdow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx /

On 10/12/2023 11:39 PM, x y wrote:
This code
when %date in %range(gpieff:gpican)...

in a subroutine appears to cause an intermittent error in RDi: it appears
to break the outlining function that causes and causes the "Formatting
failed--no model available" message. Commenting the code out makes
formatting work and formatting again breaks it. I've used this opcode in
seven other programs and don't recall having a problem with this before but
I'm going to check.

I ran the problem down by deleting 600 lines of subroutines, adding SR's
back individually, and then trying the formatter. I finally discovered I
had to comment out the line and fiddle with the formatting a couple of
times to make it work.

I'm reading a book written by my old Latin teacher, Bob Gula (R.I.P.), in
which he mentioned Bloch's Law: "Tinker with something long enough and it
will break." Lesson learned!

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