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I have seen reference in a couple of places along the lines of: "The Hovers
are enhanced to show the associated documentation for any given RPG
declaration, encouraging better comments"

In particular I can see that hovering over a call to my subprocedure does
indeed pull back some comments as well as interface details.

However, it appears slightly inconsistent - for example I have a service
program with 2 subprocedures and for each there is a one line comment ABOVE
the Prototype Definition. In one case the comment is shown and in the other
it is not. From the one comment I CAN see it seems to be coming from the
Prototype Definition, not the Procedure Interface Definition.

So, my question is: What actually constitutes "associated documentation"
for a declaration?
Obviously "comments" come into it but do they have to be placed directly
before or after the declaration to be seen as "associated" with it?
Where does the comment end? Once the next non-blank non-comment line is

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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