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When you use i Projects, it may happen, that the source code on the IBM
i gets changed by somebody, while you have a copy in your i Project. The
reconciler compares the local source members with the remote source
members and points out what has been changed either on the PC or on the
remote server. It provides menu options to copy changes vice versa.

The annoying thing is, that a library can contain a whole bunch of
source files, each for a different utility. Now, when your i Project
does not contain all source files of the library, the reconciler shows
all the "missing" source files when "Refresh Remote" is selected from
the menu.

You can tell the reconciler to ignore these files, but it does not
remember that for the next restart of RDi.

Also the reconciler would be a lot faster, when it could be started for
a dedicated source file.



Am 17.01.2017 um 16:37 schrieb Dan:
Hi Thomas,

Can you explain the reconciler? I've never heard of it. "'uninteresting'
stuff" (per RFE) sounds interesting.

- Dan

On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 4:43 AM, Thomas Raddatz <thomas.raddatz@xxxxxx>


There is a new RFE, which suggests to add the reconciler to the context
menu of source files of i Projects in order to start it for a specific
source file. Maybe that is something you miss, too:


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