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I have a slight annoyance. It isn't critical, but I've noticed it several
times recently and I thought I would bring it here to see if anyone has a
solution, or is also annoyed enough to vote for an RFE. I don't mind
crafting the solution myself (as a plugin) if I have to, but it seems like
so much work. (whine whine!!)

When I'm coding away in LPEX and I press ALT-S to split the current line I
am working on, a new line is created, lots of white space is added and the
portion of the previous line to the right of the cursor is placed on the
new line directly below where it was on screen before. All reasonable, but
if I am in a fixed-format RPG source then I need to put the specification
type back into column 6 and remove a fair bit of the added white space. It
is similarly inconvenient for a free-format source line, too.

For example, if I am concatenating a few fields together with EVAL as the
operation type, and the "extended factor 2" section isn't big enough to
hold them all, I'll press ALT-S to split the line and rejigger it a little.

If I was writing the split line function I would check for the
specification type in column 6, and then adjust the next line as
appropriate. In the above example, I would put a C in column 6 and only put
enough white space in to match the start of a new "extended factor 2 cont"
line or the same as the previous "extended factor 2 cont" line. If it were
an F-spec line, or a D-spec line, I would probably place the cursor and
remaining code in the "Keywords" section of the new line.

Has anyone got a plugin (or source for one) they'd like to share that does
some of this already? Is there enough interest that I request that this
feature be extended in RDi with an RFE?


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