Hi all,
Apologies if I'm missing something obvious but I notice lots of posts
referring to version which I <em>think</em> is the latest version.
When I look at my installation details, I'm not completely sure what I'm
supposed to be looking at as there seem to be lots of different plugins and
couple of different ways / places you can see info.
Help / about Rational Developer for i shows me Version 9.5 on the main
From there:
- clicking on the swirly IBM icon I get a window that shows me ( amongst
other things ) that my Remote System LPEX Editor Support is version
9.5.0.v20150615_0110 - or
- clicking on the "installation details" button brings up another window
where I can see in the plugins tab that I have very many plugins from
provider IBM and they all have similar version numbers to above.
But they are all 9.5.0.v* ( well, mostly )
So, what do people mean or where are they looking to be able to say they
are on
Again, sorry if this is a repeated or foolish ( I have never claimed not to
be foolish... ) question.
thanks kindly,
PS I'm also interested in how I might be able to get ACS installed so that
I can ( if I understand correctly ) make use of an improved SQL client
within RDi ) Unfortunately where I work I have to run everything under a
citrix client and am not allowed to handle my own installs so I'm not
entirely sure if I will be able to get this sorted out.
I thought ACS was just a new 5250 java client so I'm not exactly sure how
it interacts with RDi to provide SQL client functionality.
Any links / comments to how this works would be gratefully accepted.
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