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On 1/7/2016 10:03 AM, Ken Killian wrote:
Since the monitor variable has no scroll bars.

Monitors View shows scroll bars for large variables for me.

I guess I am a rare developer that need to
examine large data returned from vendor web-services,
and report back errors,

In my case, I tend to simply log the incoming data to a stream file.
This technique allows me to do a post-mortem on orders that are old: I
don't need to do a real time debug in order to see what is happening. I
can answer a question like 'What happened with order 11111 from last
week?' An additional benefit to having a log is being able to use grep
and sed to search and modify it if necessary.

Clearly, you find it valuable to be able to look at all of a very large
variable in debug. I don't, but I'd like to understand why you do,
because I'd like to learn to be better than I am today, and asking other
programmers how they do things is one way for me to learn. So I ask
your indulgence for a moment: could you explain how being able to see
every single character in a 32k block is useful to you?

Here's the thing. I see these blocks one of three ways:
1) I have to parse it into individual variables
2) I need to build it from individual variables
3) I need to pass it along intact to another function

When I'm debugging either of scenarios 1 or 2, I find that I only need
to look at the part of the variable around the current operation.
%substr(bigvar 50001 50) works great for this. When I'm debugging
scenario 3, I usually need to make sure I haven't accidentally
translated it from ASCII to EBCDIC or something like that, so peeping at
the first few bytes tends to tell me that.

So going back to the original post, I read this:
I had to go to Green-Screen Debug, to do
"MyVariable:C 62000", and that worked

I'd like to learn what you did with this. I can't imagine that you'd
look at each and every character from byte 1 through byte 62000. Were
you looking for something in particular? The last byte? The last
non-blank byte? A special 'eye-catcher'? I'm thinking that I'm not
doing something simple that I should know how to do...

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