On 7/16/2013 8:58 AM, Gerald Kern wrote:
When using the table view, and clicking on the down arrow to get to the
work with context menu, is there any way to clear the most recently used
list on the work with menu?
I know that in RDi V8.5 simply closing the table view would reset the most
recently used list but that doesn't appear to be the case in V9.
Anyone know how to clear the MRU in V9?
I did some poking around, because I like knowing how the sausage is
made. There's a file in .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.e4.workbench
called workbench.xmi This file has a LOT of stuff in it. Tinkering
with it could be bad for the health of your RDi install.
Close RDi. Make a copy of this .xmi file (and maybe your entire
workspace). Edit workbench.xmi
In this file is a <sharedElements xsi:type="basic:Part" with an
elementId="com.ibm.etools.iseries.rse.ui.ObjectTableView" Within this
sharedElements is a <persistedState key='memento" tag.
On my object table, I have 2 items in my MRU. The top one is my library
(just the library) BUCKLIB and the second is a list of objects in a
library BUCKLIB/*
There are 2 tags that are probably interesting.
tableViewFilterStr="BUCKLIB" - this is the one that was opened
in the Object Table View when I closed RDi. (You DID close RDi right?)
I removed BUCKLIB from between the " markers, since I won't be
displaying any filters once I clear the MRU list.
I see two of these: one for each item in the MRU list:
<element workWithAct="Libraries: BUCKLIB

- I have no idea how that's going to look on the list. The key things
here are the connexion you're using and the list entry type (2 must be
<element workWithAct="Filter: BUCKLIB/*

- This one is for the objects in BUCKLIB (type 4 must be an object list).
I deleted these completely. I was left with
<persistedState key="memento" value="<?xml version="1.0"
Voilà! No more MRU for the object table. Probably more work than you
want to go through. It might be easier to ask for an RFE to add a
'Clear MRU' item on the down-triangle list. :-)
ps I found it interesting that the left angle bracket ('<') is escaped
to < but the right angle bracket is not escaped ('>').
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