On 5/15/2013 11:56 AM, dale janus wrote:
I want to do a block copy, such as pasting rows of values into factor one.
I have changed the lpex editor using windows, preferences, lpex, block.
That isn't necessary for the following, but I think you should use the
text selection method that suits you best.
I have been able to select a block and cut it. What I cannot do is
paste into a block copied from somewhere other than RDI.
What am I missing ? Do I have to create a rectangle to paste into?
I have tried alt Z and I can get that to work if I copy the block of
data from within RDI. The data I want is not always available within
RDI when I switch between old and new methods.
I don't do this too often. Typically, if I'm copying program code, I'll
open up the other member in Lpex and do a block copy / paste that way.
It sounds like you're doing a rectangle select in TN5250 and trying to
block paste into Lpex.
That said, there isn't a good way to do what you want. Notepad can't do
it either. Try it: Open up a blank notepad, put 5 spaces, then a C,
then press enter. Do that 10 times to get 10 lines, each containing
what looks suspiciously like the beginning of a C-spec :-) Now paste a
rectangle at the end of the first line and see what happens. Same as Lpex.
Now I said there isn't a /good/ way, but there are sneaky ways.
One of those is to use the keystroke recorder. One can do many editing
jobs with the keystroke recorder including copy and paste.
1) Turn off Automatic Syntax Checking (Remote Systems > Remote Systems
LPEX > IBM i Parsers > ILE RPG).
2) Paste your rectangular selection in the source code under the spot
you eventually want it to end up overlaying. I'll use the following as
an example:
3) Position the cursor at the first field you want to manipulate, here
4) Turn on Keystroke recorder. Either the green icon under Search or
Edit > Keystroke recorder > Start.
5) Press the space bar 5 times, then C, then 19 spaces, then ADD, then 7
more spaces. You'll have most of an ADD statement. Use the shift +
cursor keys to select L1AMT, then Ctrl-C to copy. 10 more spaces will
position you to the Result field and then Ctrl-V to paste. Use the
cursor key to back up 4 spaces, then press Delete to delete the 1. Type
a 2. Press Home, then down arrow. You're now at the next line.
6) Turn off Keystroke recorder.
7) Press Keystroke Play (the green filled arrow under Project or Edit >
Keystroke recorder > Playback). Lpex does all of the step 6 stuff to
the current line.
8) Keep pressing Play until all your lines are set up.
9) Turn Automatic Syntax check back on.
There are lots of things one can do with keystroke recorder. Give it a
whirl, maybe you'll like it. You may like it enough that you'll copy
entire lines from SEU into Lpex and then use keystroke recorder to
modify them as you wish.
But that's not the only way. You can also simply paste the column into
Lpex at the beginning of the line and use the Lpex Alt-R, Ctrl-C, Alt-Z
to copy the rectangle from one set of lines onto another. I find that
turning Automatic Syntax checking off helps keep my source easier to
manipulate during this... momentary transition period.
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