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Hello Mark,

No, I was referring to the interactive job which you used Rumba for.

I don't know what your program is supposed to do, but if your users have
different setups the same hexadecimal value might mean different things
for different users.

The whole idea of CCSID's is that if a user enters a pound sign, other
users see a pound sign as well; even if they have different setups.

Joep Beckeringh

Hi Joep,

Thanks for your help, but after discussions with people here we have
decided to code the character values in the Cobol program using
hexadecimal because the users could also have different code pages on
their rumba setup. This should then stop all of these interpretation

Just out of interest though, the job you referred to, I guess this is a
server job that supports WDSC. What is the job name and how do I know
which one relates to which user?

Best regards,

Mark Austin

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