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Good question, since at v5r4 they are all in the QDEVTOOLS library. I would think that this command would be in with the ILE compilers, doesn't make much sense for it to be in with the OPM compilers.


Brandon Peterson wrote:

That's a great point! I guess it depends on which set of compilers the
CVTRPGSRC command comes with. Does anybody know?


-----Original Message-----
From: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Mark S. Waterbury
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 1:13 PM
To: Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] OS version for RDI

Hello, all:

No one else has mentioned this yet, so here goes ...

Why not just license the ILE compilers, and any time you need to "touch"

an old OPM RPG/400 program, just use the CVTRPGSRC command to convert it

to RPG IV first, then compile it with CRTBNDRPG, with ACTGRP(*DFTACTGRP)

... (aka. "OPM compatibility mode")... This way, your shop should be able to migrate everything to ILE smoothly, while saving money by not needing to license the OPM compilers at all.

Does this not "make sense" and if not, why not?


Mark S. Waterbury

> Wai Hung Kevin Lau wrote:
...(snip)... ILE RPG can be a wrapper... but we still have to maintain
the OPM RPG....

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