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And, to add to the mix, the announcement letter for WDS (compiler) refers to "named user" and the RDi letter refers to "authorized user" (which is a named or unnamed user). I am not quite clear in what the difference is. I just hope it is "concurrent" which is where i5/OS ended up after much hew and cry.....


Susan Gantner wrote:
Yes, compilers are user based pricing as well as the tools:
$1295 per user for the OPM compilers, $1795 per user for the ILE compilers

As Brian said, there's a minimum number of users required for each tier
level. What I don't understand is the bit about being charged a "processor
price". The material I have does not mention any price other than the per
user price for the compilers and the pricing scenarios in the material do
not include any other cost.
e.g., 3 developers on a P10 using both ILE and OPM compilers and either ADTS
or RDi (not both) costs $11,655.
The per user prices don't change based on the tier level, but there is the
minimum number of users based on the tier. So you can't get a compiler on a
P30 and just pay for 3 users; you need to pay for 10 users.
Don't forget - existing customers who are on software maintenance (SWMA) are
entitled to a certain number of users when they upgrade - 4 on a P05, 8 on a
P10, 12 on P20, etc. Same with the compilers as with the tools.

Susan Gantner

-----Original Message-----
From: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Joe Pluta
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 3:56 PM
To: Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] WDS Pricing Structure

Brian wrote:

I read in the announcement letter for WDS that there are a minimum
number of REQUIRED named user licenses for each P level (e.g., P05 =
1, P10 = 3). Isn't this for the ADTS piece or does this named user
licensing extend all the way to the compilers themselves?

"Customers who acquire a new license are charged a processor price. In
addition, the customers are charged for a fixed number of minimum
named users."

My eye rolled up into my head at this point, Brian. Maybe someone else can shed some light on what they think IBM meant with this. In my tiny little brain, it means you have to be a licensed user to use the compiler, but I don't get how the number of users affects the price.


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