Greg Fleming wrote on 23/04/2007 17:13:41:
I think my trouble is that I don't seem to have the "SQL Editor View"
available when I select Window-->Show View-->Other.
If I understand the Quantum Help correctly, the "SQL Editor View" is
different from the "Quantum SQL Queries View".
I figured out that if you create a file on your PC with an extension of
.sql, you can choose 'Open With -> Quantum SQL Editor'. However, the
'libraries=*libl' option doesn't seem to work (is it case sensitive?), and
the syntax checking still fails in a strange way ... if I do the following
(<key> means push the specified key, 'text' means type exactly that text,
without the quotes)
1. Create a file on my PC (using the 'Local' connection in RSE) named
2. Right-click, Open With -> Quantum SQL Editor
3. Type <enter>, 's' <ctrl-space>
4. Choose select, <enter>
5. Now 'select' is typed by Quantum. I type <space>,'*',<enter>,
6. Now a list of physical files in my bookmark comes up (I've limited my
bookmark to three libraries to make it a bit quicker).
7. I choose a PF from the context-sensitive help list - say 'DSP070DBR'
(an outfile from DSPDBR)
8. Quantum fills in the query with my chosen table name.
9. I right-click, then choose 'Check Syntax'
10. I get an 'Unknown table' entry in the Problems view (which I have to
open using Window->Show View ... it's under General)
WTF? If context sensitive help knows about it, how come the syntax
checking doesn't? I'm starting to suspect that Quantum doesn't play that
well with the jt400.jar JDBC driver.
Any thoughts appreciated,
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