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Nice article; looks like we both read the same announcement letters ;).
Seriously, it was in one of your articles several weeks ago that I first
read the idea of limiting the number of licenses to WDSC based on the
processor level.

I agree that a small increase in the price of WDS earmarked for Rational is
a good idea but will this actually generate much revenue for them? After
all, how many new licenses for WDS is IBM selling these days? Isn't the vast
majority of System i sales just replacement systems for existing customers
who have already licensed WDS and therfore are not purchasing a new license?
This IS the case for all the "new" System i sales I am aware of locally.

As for EGL itself...

After I read Bob's initial article, I drank a little of the Kool-Aid, read
some more articles and played with the tutorials. Finding how easily EGL
could generate a JSF browser interface and that it was possible to call RPG
programs using the JT400 classes, I got very interested and took a big
swallow of the Kool-Aid. I posted inquiries to the list here and it was
about this time that you began your series of articles on EGL which for me,
confirmed the potential I saw for it. I even responded to one of your
articles that I saw the potential for using EGL as my "SDA for the Web".
Having turned the Kool-Aid bottoms up, I started promoting EGL and
talking to management about this new "no additional cost" tool and the
potential for using it in a future "proof-of-concept" project. Then things
began to grow dark; rumors of EGL's bleak future on the System i began
to swirl. Finally, everything went black with the announcement of WDSC
7.0which confirmed the rumors that EGL would no longer be included.
It's my
fault I drank IBM's Kool-Aid but I didn't think it would be laced with
GHB. I still think think EGL has great potential, especially having read
comments from IBMers that it would not be too difficult to have it also
generate RPG but this experience has left me sore and more than a little
ticked off.

Kind regards,


On 4/4/07, Joe Pluta <joepluta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hey! That's a great idea! <grin>

Seriously, that's pretty much word for word what I wrote in my article,
what you'll be hearing again next week and what I'll be saying as long as
have breath.

Again, the article is at http://www.mcpressonline.com/mc/.6b4f0d0a.


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