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Thanks Don, but I would rather make sure I still need the PDM options. :>)
So I printed a query of QAUOOPT and will do them as I need them or one at a

We're talking about 15 years worth, I really should have cleaned them up
Now is a good time.

Dave B

Don Yantzi <yantzi@xxxxxxxxxx> 04/03/07 12:11 PM >>>

If you are interested in taking this one step farther it shouldn't be that
hard to import all your PDM user defined actions into the RSE. The PDM
user defined actions are stored in the database file QAUOOPT with two
fields: option and command. You could write some SQL (select * from
qgpl/qauoopt or whatever QAUOOPT file you are using) that reads this file
and outputs the required XML for RSE user defined actions (which you
already found). You'll have to use the option for the name and then go
manually edit it to give a more meaningful name.

I haven't tried this yet but it should work. You might want to back the
uda.xml file first too :)

If you have any questions or problems let me know and I can help out.
Taking it even further, you could right a WDSC plug-in that adds an
"import" action to QAUOOPT files in the RSE. Buck, you were looking to
write a first plug-in right :)

(Sorry for all the postings, I'm ploughing through the past few days of
mail in batch.)

Don Yantzi
Technical Lead
WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries
IBM Toronto Lab

Buck <kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
03/30/2007 04:21 PM
Please respond to
Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


Re: [WDSCI-L] RSE user action example

The thing I DON'T like is the inability to import them

Far be it from me to tinker in the guts of things, but I see my newly
created user action here:


The contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Actions release="6.3.0">
<Domain Name="Member" Type="Member">
<Action Collect="False" Enable="True" Name="cvtrpgsrc"
Prompt="False" Refresh="True" RunEnv="normal" SingleSelection="False">
<Comment />

The presumption is that the referenced file type is stored in:

To test my theory, I exited WDSC, edited ...uda.xml to change the name
from cvtrpgsrc to cvtrpgsrcbuck. Saved it, started WDSC and tried it.
Ran fine. If you want to post one of yours, I'll try it here to see if
that's the only place I need to work it.

Yes I fully realise I'm not going to be able to get help for tinkering
the XML myself, and that if I bust something you get to have a free
giggle at my vanity. <grin>

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