× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

You know, all tools aren't for all people or situations. SEU is a fine tool
for writing RPG. Many people think WDSC is a better tool for writing RPG.
WDSC (or an equivalent) is certainly needed for activities such as
generating web pages and Java programming. But, if you're primarily writing
RPG for a green screen environment, WDSC may be more than you need.

Like anything else, you have to pick the right tool for the job. And the
decision process for choosing the tool has to include the type of job, the
requirements for the job, and the person using the tool. I doubt if IBM will
ever drop SEU, so it's a tool that will be around for a long time. So will

- Michael

On 10/25/06, Bill Barnes <bbarnes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thank you Adam for the info.  I was able to get the debug to start, but
working in it is a whole other story.  I stepped into the program and
set a breakpoint and hit resume and got a message that debug program and
ended and that was it.  I need someone to explain to me why the debug
procedure is so convoluted compared to STRDBG and set your breakpoints
and using F11 to see the variables?

So far I am not impressed with the quality of WDSC.  It seems to have
been released as a pre-beta version with many "GOTCHA's" such as the
compile errors in SQLRPGLE and the conversion problem with embedded SQL
and the fact that you can't create a DSPF only maintain it the same for

In reading the current email I see where IBM will be releasing something
to replace CODE for the green screen but it may only be available in the
advanced WDSC.

In reading the WEB page when I first signed up for this service I read
the 4 reasons for switching to WDSC and 3 of them were directly related
to WEBSPHERE.  We aren't going to switch to WEBSPHERE ever.  The 3 year
plan here is to move off the iSeries completely and find another
platform solution for our flagship application,  I don't know if that
decision can be changed, the perception is that the iSeries is an
antiquated platform with no future. Part of the problem is that it has
taken so long for anyone to come up with a viable WEB interface that
does not require hiring JAVA programmers and expanding the iSeries to
handle the load of WEBSPHERE not to mention the added expense to beef up
the desktops to handle JAVA applications.

Back to RSE I made the statement earlier this week to Joe Pluta that RSE
is not yet ready for prime time.  He disagrees and encouraged me to join
this forum.  I have not yet changed my mind on the quality and
performance of this tool.  I can still work 20 times faster in SEU, SDA
and RLU.  I have been fighting RSE off and on for about 6 months and
still find it more difficult than it should be.  The tool I use should
not be more complicated than the programs I write.


Bill Barnes

Sr Analyst/Programmer

The Pantry, Inc


ext 5211

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