× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Richard, John, sorry I didn't understand this issue.  I agree it's a
substantial usability issue.  I'm not sure what causes it, because I have to
believe that both sets of help are generated from a single source.  It's got
to be a markup issue in the original help data.

In any case, I missed your earlier point because I've grown accustomed to
the search mode.  I've been using WDSC for a long time and the F1 method was
pretty rudimentary in the earliest days; it's much better now, but I see it
still has a way to go.


From: Weber, Richard

Yes, exactly my issue.  I should have described it better.  Thanks.

From: John Larimer

Here is the 'DDS Help' issue as I see it....

Edit a display file with the Remote Systems LPEX Editor.

Press F1 for help.

Help opens in a browser window and you are presented a page with DDS
Keyword Entries.  Select the entry of interest (Check).

Notice that you only get partial help for the Check keyword, not the 12
pages you find the DDS reference manual (and not the same help you get if
you type check(me) in the search prompt).

How do you easily navigate to the full text from here?
Why is the displayed help page truncated?

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