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Ah, they need a more simple and modular design then! The MyEclipse folks and other Eclipse based tools seem to keep pace with the revs in Eclipse. Although, in defense of your comments Joe, the My Eclipse plugin at 207MB is relatively "svelte" when compared to the 1+GB sized WDSC. It must be a beast to maintain.

Seems to me though that if the beast can't be tamed, then perhaps a different maintenance methodology should be examined. Eclipse 3.0 was announced June, 2004 and here we are two years later and as far as I understand it, still quite a ways from anything that will use a newer version of Eclipse. 2 years in computer years is what, 20 years in human years? At this rate in 5 more years we'll be comparing WDSC to current Eclipse based technology like we now compare SEU to WDSC. They'll be saying "You *still* use WDSC? That old thing! Use something more modern!" ;-)

Yeah, Struts may be getting a little long in the tooth but Eclipse 3.0 isn't a "spring chicken" either. (tongue firmly in cheek here.....)

Seriously, it may be that the WDSC team being heavily invested in Eclipse 3.0 is more a function of the team knowing Eclipse 3.0 since IBM was deeply invested in the Eclipse platform development before it was handed off to the consortium in Feb 2004. Maybe they are tweaking Eclipse 3.0.X to their liking rather than using the consortium to enhance the base platform?

Again, like I said before. No big deal in practice. I can use two versions of Eclipse and two workspaces. Consolidation of the two would be nice, but I'll keep using WDSC, regardless of what version of Eclipse WDSC uses, now or in the future.


Joe Pluta wrote:
Okay, I guess I understand wanting to be on the latest and greatest version
of everything.  But that's the problem with Open Source; staying current is
difficult.  That's why I've been pretty impressed with Callisto.

My guess is you'll never have WDSC at the most current level of open source
projects.  That's just too much to try and reconcile with the rest of the
WDSC package.

On the other hand, WDSC's JSF integration is pretty darned good, and the
WYSYWYG JSF designer is as good as anything out there.  Not only that, but
the JavaScript debugger kicks butt.  But still, it's not going to sit on the
latest release of everything, and if that's your desire, then you probably
need something like MyEclipse.

I do have one question though that I'll probably get in trouble for: if
you're worried about being on the cutting edge, why would you use Swing?  Or
especially Struts?  Those are a couple of out of date technologies.


From: Dean, Robert

I agree.  The value of MyEclipse is that it incorporates things that IBM
hasn't embraced in its tools yet (more current version of Struts and JSF,
Hibernate, Spring, etc).

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