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Look at the file properties (select the file, context menu -> properties ->
info)? Is the text encoding CP1252? I'm assuming it is, but check anyway.
Is this behavior specific to this column or a particular programming
David Dykstal

             Sent by:                                                   To 
             wdsci-l-bounces@m         "Websphere Development Studio       
             idrange.com               Client for iSeries"                 
             05/24/2006 08:08                                              
             AM                                                    Subject 
                                       [WDSCI-L] Hex codes in position 5   
                                       are being mangled                   
             Please respond to                                             
             Studio Client for                                             

Hi all,

I've searched the archives a bit but to no avail.  I seem to be having a
problem with a character x'22' in position 5, when pushing changes from an
iSeries Project.  The source file on the iSeries is CCSID 37.  If I do
'hex edit line' in WDSc, it shows that the encoding in the source CCSID 37
should be x'22', but when I push the member I end up with something
entirely different:
For the first seven characters:

WDSc reports:  Unicode= 0020 0020 0020 0020 0082 0020 002a
                               CP1252  = 20 20 20 20 3f 20 2a
                               CP0037  = 40 40 40 40 22 40 5c

When I push the member to the iSeries I end up with:
40 40 40 40 62 3F 40 5c

Some how x'22' is becoming x'623F'.  I have used this member in other
iSeries projects with no problems.  Anyone have any ideas why this might
happen, or where to start hunting for a solution?  I have to admit, my
knowledge of how the translation from EBCDIC to ASCII/Unicode happens when
using WDSc is woefully inadequate.

Any ideas would be much appreciated, as I'd really rather not reapply my
changes to the production version of this source.


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