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CPF19812E File QSQLTEMP1 in Library QTEMP not found


I get the above error when I've compiled an SQLRPGLE program in WDSC and
I click on the error in the error list with the expectation that it will
take me to the line of code in error.  When this happens, not only does
it fail to  take me to the erroneous line, but the errors aren't
inserted into the Source in the RSE.  Also, the line number referenced
in the error list doesn't seem to match the line numbers in the source,
so I can't figure out where the error is without looking at the compile
on the green screen.


It has also been happening when I compile it in CODE.  I'm pretty sure
this used to work OK in CODE, but I started noticing it a couple weeks
ago.  Then I installed WDSC yesterday, and it behaves the same way.  


I thought I might find something on this in the archives, but couldn't
locate anything relevant here.  I found this one in the CODE list, but
it doesn't seem to have a resolution:
http://archive.midrange.com/code400-l/200201/msg00176.html.  There is
some suggestion that compiling interactively as opposed to submitting
the compile might help, so I tried that in WDSC, but can't find a
parameter on the CRTSQLRPGI command to make it interactive.  


Any ideas ?


Greg Fleming


Everglades Direct, Inc.


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