I've got a program that I used the indentation feature on, and it's giving me the error "Indentation Mismatch occurred". But I don't see the problem. I'll post the code now, and perhaps someone can copy/paste and see if they get the same thing. I've double checked my if's and do's but to no avail... perhaps I'm losing it... it is possible. H Dftname(Streets) Datedit(*YMD) Option(*Srcstmt:*NoDebugIo) H Dftactgrp(*NO) Actgrp('QILE') FStreetgarbuf e k Disk FStreet05 if e k Disk F Rename(Streetsr:Streets5) F Prefix($) FStreet03 if e k Disk F Rename(Streetsr:Streets3) F Prefix(#) FCgararea o e k Disk Usropn FWpuschedleo e k Disk Usropn FList88 o f 132 Printer F Oflind(*InOf) ? // D tabtm s 3 Dim(12) Ctdata Perrcd(1) D tabac s 2 Dim(12) Alt(Tabtm) ? // D f1t s 34 Varying ? // D pos s 2 0 D end_pos s 2 0 D result s 34 Varying D len s 2 0 D f1_Key s 30 D f1_Work s 30 D counter s 4 0 D rec_Count s 4 0 D totals s 40 D charDate s 8 D strnm_Trimmed s 30 D strnm_100a s 100 D strnm_100b s 100 D strnm_100c s 100 D Cmd s 300A Inz //-Define constant fields-------------------------------------------------------- D area1 c const('AREA 1') D area2 c const('AREA 2') D area3 c const('AREA 3') D area4 c const('AREA 4') D area5 c const('AREA 5') D dontdo c const('DON''T DO') D residents c const('(Residents') D civic_no c const('(Civic') //-------------------------------------------------- // Procedure name: GetDate // Purpose: Reformat the date // Returns: //-------------------------------------------------- D GetDate PR LIKE(charDate) D inDate LIKE(Date1) //-------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------- // Procedure name: Get_Comments // Purpose: Gets the street commments // Returns: Street comments //-------------------------------------------------- D Get_Comments PR 40A D inStreet 300A //-------------------------------------------------- // Procedure name: Qcmdexc // Purpose: To allow the running of CL commands // Returns: // Parameter: Cmd => Command to run // Parameter: CmdLen => Length of command to run //-------------------------------------------------- D QCmdExc PR EXTPGM('QCMDEXC') D Cmd 3000A Const Options(*VARSIZE) D CmdLen 15P 5 Const D Cmddbcs 3A Const Options(*NOPASS) //-------------------------------------------------- ? // /FREE *InOf = *On; // Clear out the existing data that may be in the files Cmd = 'CLRPFM FILE(WPUSCHEDLE)'; CallP(E) QCmdExc(Cmd:%Len(Cmd)); Cmd = 'CLRPFM FILE(CGARAREA)'; CallP(E) QCmdExc(Cmd:%Len(Cmd)); Open Wpuschedle; Open Cgararea; // Loop thru all the records in the file Read Streetgarb; Dow Not %Eof(Streetgarb); f1_Work = strnm; rec_Count = rec_Count + 1; // Check for '- P' and remove everything after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( '- P' : f1_Work:1 ); If pos > 1; f1t = %trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %Subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // Check for '- P' and remove everything after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( '- P' : f1_Work:1 ); If pos > 1; f1t = %trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // Check for '- p' and remove everything after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( '- p ' : f1_Work:1 ); If pos > 1; f1t = %Trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %Subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // Check for '-P' and remove everything after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( '-P' : f1_Work:1 ); If pos > 1; f1t = %Trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %Subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // Check for '- ped' and remove everything after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( '- ped' : f1_Work:1 ); If pos > 1; f1t = %Trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %Subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // Check for '- (p' and remove everything after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( '- (p' : f1_Work:1 ); If pos > 1; f1t = %Trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %Subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // Check for '- (pe' and remove everything after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( '- (ped' : f1_Work:1 ); If pos > 1; f1t = %Trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %Subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // Check for '(p' and remove everything after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( ' (p' : f1_Work:1 ); If pos > 1; f1t = %Trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %Subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // Check for '(M' and remove all after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( '(M' : f1_Work:1 ); If pos > 1; f1t = %Trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %Subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // Check for '(A' and remove all after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( '(A' : f1_Work:1 ); If pos > 1; f1t = %trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %Subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // Check for '- (' and remove all after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( '- (' : f1_Work:1 ); If pos > 1; f1t = %Trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %Subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // Check for '(G' and remove everything after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( '(G' : f1_Work:1 ); If pos > 1; f1t = %Trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %Subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // Check for ' (' and remove everything after pos = 0; pos = %Scan( ' (' : f1_Work:1); If pos > 1; f1t = %Trim(f1_Work); len = (pos - 1); result = %Subst(f1_Work:1:len); f1_Work = result; EndIf; // See what we can do about getting a street number for it f1_Key = f1_Work; Chain f1_Key Streets5; If %Found(Street05); cgstreet# = $cstret; cgstseq# = 0; cgstname = $cstact; cgstext = *blanks; cgcivics = *blanks; cgcivice = *blanks; cgstrcom = Get_Comments(strnm); cgsp05a = Stid; If area <> dontdo; cggarbarea = %subst(area:6:1); Else; cggarbarea = *Blanks; EndIf; Write(E) Cgararear; Dow %Error; cgstseq# += 1; Write(E) Cgararear; EndDo; pos = 0; pos = %Scan(civic_no:strnm); If pos > 1; strnm_100a = %Subst(strnm:1:100); strnm_100b = %Subst(strnm:101:100); strnm_100c = %Subst(strnm:201:100); If *Inof; Except Header; EndIf; Except CivicDet; EndIf; If area <> dontdo; Exsr Sched; EndIf; Else; Chain f1_Key Streets3; If %Found(Street03); cgstreet# = #cstret; cgstseq# = 0; cgstname = #cstact; cgstext = *blanks; cgcivics = *blanks; cgcivice = *blanks; cgstrcom = Get_Comments(strnm); cgsp05a = Stid; If area <> dontdo; cggarbarea = %subst(area:6:1); Else; cggarbarea = *Blanks; EndIf; Write(E) Cgararear; Dow %Error; cgstseq# += 1; Write(E) Cgararear; EndDo; pos = 0; pos = %Scan(civic_no:strnm); If pos > 1; strnm_100a = %Subst(strnm:1:100); strnm_100b = %Subst(strnm:101:100); strnm_100c = %Subst(strnm:201:100); If *Inof; Except Header; EndIf; Except CivicDet; EndIf; If area <> dontdo; Exsr Sched; EndIf; Else; counter = counter + 1; If *InOf; Except Header; *InOf = *Off; EndIf; strnm_Trimmed = %Subst(strnm:1:30); Except Detail; EndIf; EndIf; Clear Cgararear; f1_Key = *Blanks; f1_Work = *Blanks; Read Streetgarb; EndDo; Totals = %Char(counter) + ' ' + 'Records- not found on STREETS file.'; If *Inof; Except Header; EndIf; Except Total_Line; Close Wpuschedle; Close Cgararea; *InLr = *On; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build pickup schedule file BegSr Sched; Wpuyear = 2005; Wpuarea = %subst(area:6:1); Wpustr# = Cgstreet#; Wpucnt11 = 1; Wpuap#11 = 1; Wpumax11 = 75; Wpucnt12 = 1; Wpuap#12 = 1; Wpumax12 = 75; Wpucnt13 = 1; Wpuap#13 = 1; Wpumax13 = 75; Wpucnt21 = 1; Wpuap#21 = 1; Wpumax21 = 75; Wpucnt22 = 1; Wpuap#22 = 1; Wpumax22 = 75; Wpucnt23 = 1; Wpuap#23 = 1; Wpumax23 = 75; Wpucnt31 = 1; Wpuap#31 = 1; Wpumax31 = 75; Wpucnt32 = 1; Wpuap#32 = 1; Wpumax32 = 75; Wpucnt33 = 1; Wpuap#33 = 1; Wpumax33 = 75; Wpusp30a = *blanks; Wpusp20a = *blanks; Wpusp10a = *blanks; Wpusp05a = Stid; Wpusp01a = *blanks; Wpusp92s = 0; Wpusp72s = 0; Wpusp52s = 0; Wpusp90s = 0; Wpusp70s = 0; Wpusp50s = 0; Wpusp30s = 0; Wpusp10s = 0; // Select; When area = area1; Wpufrdte10 = 20050621; Wputodte10 = 20050630; charDate = GetDate(Date1); Wpupudte11 = %Int(charDate); charDate = GetDate(Date2); Wpupudte12 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte13 = 0; Wpufrdte20 = 20050801; Wputodte20 = 20050805; charDate = GetDate(Date3); Wpupudte21 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte22 = 0; Wpupudte23 = 0; Wpufrdte30 = 20050906; Wputodte30 = 20050909; charDate = GetDate(Date4); Wpupudte31 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte32 = 0; Wpupudte33 = 0; // When area = area2; Wpufrdte10 = 20050606; Wputodte10 = 20050617; charDate = GetDate(Date1); Wpupudte11 = %Int(charDate); charDate = GetDate(Date2); Wpupudte12 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte13 = 0; Wpufrdte20 = 20050725; Wputodte20 = 20050729; charDate = GetDate(Date3); Wpupudte21 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte22 = 0; Wpupudte23 = 0; Wpufrdte30 = 20050829; Wputodte30 = 20050902; charDate = GetDate(Date4); Wpupudte31 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte32 = 0; Wpupudte33 = 0; // When area = area3; Wpufrdte10 = 20050524; Wputodte10 = 20050603; charDate = GetDate(Date1); Wpupudte11 = %Int(charDate); charDate = GetDate(Date2); Wpupudte12 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte13 = 0; Wpufrdte20 = 20050718; Wputodte20 = 20050722; charDate = GetDate(Date3); Wpupudte21 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte22 = 0; Wpupudte23 = 0; Wpufrdte30 = 20050822; Wputodte30 = 20050826; charDate = GetDate(Date4); Wpupudte31 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte32 = 0; Wpupudte33 = 0; // When area = area4; Wpufrdte10 = 20050509; Wputodte10 = 20050520; charDate = GetDate(Date1); Wpupudte11 = %Int(charDate); charDate = GetDate(Date2); Wpupudte12 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte13 = 0; Wpufrdte20 = 20050712; Wputodte20 = 20050715; charDate = GetDate(Date3); Wpupudte21 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte22 = 0; Wpupudte23 = 0; Wpufrdte30 = 20050815; Wputodte30 = 20050819; charDate = GetDate(Date4); Wpupudte31 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte32 = 0; Wpupudte33 = 0; // When area = area5; Wpufrdte10 = 20050426; Wputodte10 = 20050506; charDate = GetDate(Date1); Wpupudte11 = %Int(charDate); charDate = GetDate(Date2); Wpupudte12 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte13 = 0; Wpufrdte20 = 20050704; Wputodte20 = 20050708; charDate = GetDate(Date3); Wpupudte21 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte22 = 0; Wpupudte23 = 0; Wpufrdte30 = 20050808; Wputodte30 = 20050812; charDate = GetDate(Date4); Wpupudte31 = %Int(charDate); Wpupudte32 = 0; Wpupudte33 = 0; // EndSl; // write bulk record Wpgtype = 'B'; Write(e) Wpuschedlr; // write metal record Wpgtype = 'M'; Wpumax11 = 50; Wpumax12 = 50; Wpumax13 = 50; Wpumax21 = 50; Wpumax22 = 50; Wpumax23 = 50; Wpumax31 = 50; Wpumax32 = 50; Wpumax33 = 50; Write(e) Wpuschedlr; EndSr; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- /END-FREE OList88 e Header 2 1 O 55 'Streets not found on STREE- O TS file' // O e Header 1 O 5 'Rec #' O 19 'Actual Field' O 54 'Key Value' // O e Header 1 O 5 '_____' O 42 '__________________________- O ________' O 75 '__________________________- O ____' // O e Detail 1 O rec_Count k 6 O strnm_Trimmed 42 O f1_Work 75 // O e CivicDet 1 O 'Civics to be entered for' O +1 'street: ' O e CivicDet 1 O strnm_100a 130 O e CivicDet 1 O strnm_100b 130 O e CivicDet 1 O strnm_100c 130 // O e Total_Line 2 O 6 'Total:' O Totals 40 //-------------------------------------------------- // Procedure name: GetDate // Purpose: Reformat the date // Returns: //-------------------------------------------------- P GetDate B D GetDate PI LIKE(charDate) D inDate LIKE(Date1) // Local fields D charMonth s 3 D charDay s 2 D retField S LIKE(charDate) /FREE charMonth = %Subst(inDate:1:3); /END-FREE C charMonth LookUp tabtm tabac 99 /FREE charDay = '00'; EvalR charDay = %trim(%subst(inDate:5:2)); retField = '2005' + tabac + charDay; Return retField; /END-FREE P GetDate E //-------------------------------------------------- // Procedure name: GetDate // Purpose: Reformat the date // Returns: //-------------------------------------------------- P Get_Comments B D Get_Comments PI 40A D inStreet 300A // Local fields D retField S 40A /FREE pos = 0; pos = %Scan(residents:inStreet); If pos > 1; end_pos = %Scan(')':inStreet:pos); result = %Subst(inStreet:pos+1:end_pos-(pos+1)); retField = %Trim(result); Else; retField = *Blanks; EndIf; Return retField; /END-FREE P Get_Comments E ** JAN01 FEB02 MAR03 APR04 MAY05 JUN06 JUL07 AUG08 SEP09 OCT10 NOV11 DEC12 And the indent list with the problem is as follows for the section: If pos > 1; end_pos = %Scan(')':inStreet:pos); result = %Subst(inStreet:pos+1:end_pos-(pos+1)); retField = %Trim(result); Else; | retField = *Blanks; EndIf; The If doesn't line up with anything.... TIA, Ron Power Programmer Information Services City Of St. John's, NL P.O. Box 908 St. John's, NL A1C 5M2 Tel: 709-576-8132 Email: rpower@xxxxxxxxxx Website: http://www.stjohns.ca/ ___________________________________________________________________________ Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm. - Sir Winston Churchill
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